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Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. Welcome To Bleach Destruction For Chaos Captains and Luteniants: Captain of Squad 1: Luteniant of Squad 1: Captain of Squad 2: Luteniant of Squad 2: Captain of Squad 3: Luteniant of Squad 3: Captain of Squad 4: Luteniant of Squad 4: Captain of Squad 5: Luteniant of Squad 5: Captain of Squad 6: Luteniant of Squad 6: Captain of Squad 7: Luteniant of Squad 7: Captain of Squad 8: Luteniant of Squad 8: Captain of Squad 9: Luteniant of Squad 9: Captain of Squad 10: Luteniant of Squad 10: Captain of Squad 11: Luteniant of Squad 11: Captain of Squad 12: Luteniant of Squad 12: Captain of Squad 13: Luteniant of Squad 13: Requirements: Shinigami Captain: lvl 150k shikai/bankai mastery flash step mastery and 100 kills Vaizard Leader: lvl 150k Shikai/bankai Mastered hollow mask mastered 150 kills Quincy Leader: lvl 150k Final Form 2 Mastered whatever there form of flash step is mastered 100 kills Espada Leader: 150 lvl Ressurection Mastery sonido mastery Leaders : Vizard Leader: Espada Leader: Quincy Leader: Have Fun Playing!! Copyright© Byakuya Uchiha Productions 2008 COLOR="#ffd700">All Rights Reserved. |
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