Naruto Ninja Faith

by Element88
Naruto Ninja Faith
Welcome to Naruto Ninja Faith. We're back. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Feb 23 2007
Last updated: Nov 16 2015
Last played: Dec 4 2013
1199 fans

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Naruto Ninja Faith

Game Owner:

Current News:
I'm giving the game an attempt to reach back to it's breaking point thus gathering it's old players and resurrecting the game all-in-all! We appreciate your game play!

If you'd like to ask any questions comment here or view the forums:

Thank you,

Please, don't bug me for staff. Submit your own application in the forums, thank you.


XX-Lord Saviour-Xx: (Jun 29 2015, 7:14 am)
i can host
KreedBlitz: (May 9 2015, 4:43 pm)
If you like naruto games come to NarutoNextGeneration Rapid updating! Clay clan coming june first!!
Rayrom: (Jan 27 2014, 3:31 pm)
i think it would be really cool to bring this game back up. it was a great game that my cousin and i used to play back in the day. great memories. please bring ti back up!
LightingDick: (Mar 27 2013, 2:35 am)
SuperCoolGuy777 wrote:
Game turned into trash. NEVER has a single player. Seriously. Why do you still even bother with this crap? Clearly, no one likes it.

Haters will be hating huh? This game was ok. Just need a 24/7 host and a bit of updates.