Ninja Origins

by Edit Nero
Ninja Origins
Everyone has an origin, where does yours begin? [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://EditNero.NarutoOrigins##version=1

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Version 0.2 Alpha
Date added: Mar 24 2014
Last updated: Jan 22 2017
Last played: Jan 27 2023
152 fans

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New Source!


  • 4+ Characters with new ones added each update!
  • Unique Systems!
  • Fast paced gameplay!
  • Balanced and fair play!
  • And much more!

Ninja Origins

"Everyone has an origin, where does yours begin?"
Jump into a ninja based platform, where you get to be your favorite characters like Naruto Uzumaki , Sasuke Uchiha, Yondaime or the 'evil' Uchiha, Madara!




Ninja Origins is not affiliated with Naruto, Shonen Jump, or any subsidiaries. All rights belong to them.

Recent Medals

Academy Student

Earned by MerlinMage
Sep 3 2024, 2:20 pm

Academy Student

Earned by Mrchalkin
Nov 12 2020, 9:49 pm


Tantric1: (Nov 14 2017, 11:47 pm)
I worked with Orange on this game. So much potential. Hope to see some updates!
Nick0097655: (Aug 31 2014, 9:21 am)
if this game still on I can host
Super3222: (Jul 18 2014, 7:28 am)

This is a good game.
Edit Nero: (Mar 31 2014, 11:42 am)
Thanks! Good luck on yours as well.
WeabooGamesInc: (Mar 31 2014, 4:53 am)
Good luck indeed i really did like oranges version it was the most balancd combat on byond in terms of naruto sidescrollers hands down no where else can u beat an itachi with amataretsu using genuine skilled fighting with any chara on the roster I look forward to it my weaboo overflows in anticipation.