Currently Unavailable |
Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. So, we have (some) of the Mushroom Kingdom so far, as of July 21, 2010. It's mapped and available, with monsters and all... But... My icons I ripped aren't the best, so I'll require more time. Sorry.
--Missing from MK being complete: -Bowser, the boss. (Which Hyarion wanted to have a 'special' encounter with -- I may or may not hold true to this.) -The story in itself... (Not too difficult knowing Mario storys, but it needs coded) -Maybe more. This is an RPG which is quite old. It was created from Rise of Heroes, by Xerxes. Then, SNRPG came along a couple years ago, by Hyarion. It was, in all honesty... Far from completion. So, I volunteered to help Element. Element, being the only person working on it at that time, had his hands full. I had (and still have) limited coding understanding, so I was an iconner/mapper. --I have basic coding understanding - Do not misinterpret me. I CAN make updates, just not as good as something such as a new system, or anything. I can add quests, monsters, spells, etc. Don't offer to help out of the blue to code... If I know you to be a frequent player who volunteers, I will consider it. Otherwise, don't bother. So... For those new to this, and SNRPG, etc... We have: -A party system. Maybe not the best, but still. -Buffs. Only one per class, but they are levellable. (Note: I don't know for fact if we have placed the buff crystal seller in game yet) -A working arena.(courtesy of Element) -A build area. (not like Icon Ultima, etc. in which you step, use a verb, and poof. You choose an item, click, and it makes it from anywhere on screen. GM's MUST give out the privileges to this.) -A return-to-start verb. Useful info incase you're lazy. (DO NOT rely on it to get out of a bad situation! It does not work when you're low on health!) So... Let's rack up the list of people who deserve credit then. Xerse - He's pretty much the grandfather of this game, so... Nothing further to say. Somasaru - recolor of icons -- the 'regular' color is the colors of the class icons before she came along. Hyarion - For the idea and creation of SNRPG which this game continues on. Element - For giving me the opportunity to help with SNRPG, for better or for worse. Hyper - For being an amazing GM, sticking with this game more years than I could've expected him to. The Spriters Resource - Where I get all sorts of my icons... This means thanks to anyone who has added to this site, especially if I've used your material! |
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