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DragonBall Z Nocturnalby Dopeboycash2007 |
DragonBall Z Nocturnal is the best dbz game on byond [More] |
Currently Unavailable |
Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. check out the new site for details about the game and more about becoming a perm GM http://www.freewebs.com/monoxide683/index.htm
I added the new updates please check the website for a list of what i added im looking for someone to host the game if you can be the host i will give you gm :D i need a all day host and an all night host or a 24/7 host please contact me through the forum or in game and please leave ur email and byond key so i can send u the files and make u gm Game Rules 1.Respect all gms and other players or you will be banned. 2.no spamming. 3.no newb killing unless they agree to fight. 4.no fighting in gyms unless someone challenges or if they are willing to fight. 5.do not abuse your gm powers or they will be taken and you could be banned. 6.Gms are not allowed to edit you power lever higher then 7 digits if you get caught making it higher you will lose your gm you have to train after that to get it higher i do random GM checks. Looking for a good reliable GM with power level of 7 mill or more if you play long enough and prove that i can trust you it could be you view the forum for more ways to become GM I just recently updated the speedbags making it alot easier to get your pl up :D this game has a good pl leveling system and you can also do quests for people to get you pl up quicker its an original game not a rip try it out and enjoy ! Owner:Monoxide-key Dopeboycash2007 Host/GM: GM1: GM2: GM3: GM4: Temp GM: i will be randomly giving out prizes,power boosts,zenni and gm to dedicated players. with that being said have fun playing !!! i just added the new sword to the game the omega blade 3 lucky people will get one XD i fixed most of the bugs in the game so if you have any problems just let me know and ill help you out. |
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