Reality Origins

by Domdavden
Reality Origins
An original RP game tailored for your pleasure [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Domdavden.RealityOrigins##version=1

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Version 1
Date added: Dec 24 2017
Last updated: Mar 24 2021
Last played: Mar 2 2024
70 fans

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Reality: Origins is a brand new and innovative game run by David (Domdavden) and his colleagues to satisfy the demand for a non-supernatural based game. This game revolves solely on on real-life experiences and therefore allows you to delve into a world of adventure, career and offers to you a virtual lifestyle.
Within this game, your character can be anything you dream them to be, whether you decide to play a typical housewife, a businessman, or even take form as the game's antagonist; a murderer, arsonist and so forth.

This is a game where your destiny is limited only to your imagination. Live a life unbound my normative social bounds, and revel in its glory.

Unlike many other games on BYOND, Reality: Reborn disregards the presence of supernatural existence and focuses on situations created by realistic characters interacting with one another. Storylines are always fun and unique due to characters being able to fill out their character profiles with a description, a photo and a backstory- in tow with a completely customisable avatar and other systems which offer to the user absolute independence.

Major Systems Reality has to offer you:
Book System
Car/Driving System
Career System (Banker, Drugs, Footballer, Hospital, Newspaper, Police, Culinary, TV and many many more)
Combat System
Cooking System
Corpse System
Customisable Clothing system
Death/Reincarnation System
DNA System
Drug System
Familial System (Wedding, Divorce, Engagements)
Fire System
Furniture System (Furniture can be purchased and used to furnish homes)
Gambling System
Gifting System

Hospital/Doctor/Health/Illnesses System
House System
Knockout System

Pet System
Phone System
Plant System
Police and Law System
Pregnancy System
Travel System
Tram System

Weaponry System
Weather System
(and many many many more)

Not only does Reality offer a great gaming experience but it also provides its players with a supportive community which allows personal and roleplay growth.

Special thanks to Bumblemore for his assistance