DragonballGT: Rebirth Unleashed

by Dman2
DragonballGT: Rebirth Unleashed
New DBGT Rebirth rip

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: May 18 2007
Last updated: May 19 2007
Last played: May 22 2007
15 fans

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Zelosv: (Jun 9 2017, 5:20 pm)
Nielske: (Feb 17 2016, 10:44 am)
Hello everyone!
there was this game i used to play ALOT it's called dbz Rebirth unleashed.
Sadly the servers have gone down :( i miss the songs that were playing on that game, so my question is:

If anyone has these tunes or songs PLEASE CONTACT ME!!!
it would mean the world to me!!!

Thank you kindly!

Greetings Niels :)
JJsq303: (Oct 9 2012, 5:17 am)
http://www.byond.com/games/TriSin/ DragonBallGTRebirthUnleashed
New version up for those who miss the game its actually the older copies