Doomed Dreams

by DivineTraveller
Doomed Dreams
This is what happens when a man dreams... of boxes. [More]
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Version beta
Date added: Aug 24 2010
Last updated: Sep 3 2010
Last played: Oct 7 2012
6 fans

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In a man's worst nightmare, he could be trapped in a tower with no way out, he could be trapped in a.. box. But, what's worse? He could be trapped in a box as a box! To save himself, this box man must retrieve a Reality Orb, which is supposed to bring him back to reality.

But.. can he do it?

Thanks to Forum_account for the sidescroller pixel-movement engine, as well as the base box/floor graphics, and Shadowdarke for the pixel-projectiles library.

Source can be found here.

Recent Medals

Dirty Cheater

Earned by Reaper123456789
Aug 6 2012, 6:27 pm

Safety First

Earned by Higoten
Jan 4 2012, 5:40 pm


Nakano15: (Oct 17 2011, 4:38 am)
Insane,but i have only lost on the stage 2,because my character bugged on the wall,on the part of the fading walls.
DivineTraveller: (Jun 24 2011, 2:32 pm)
Prf X wrote:
Fun, can't get pass level 1 but the fun part is trying

I'm glad people see fun in the masochism =P
It is very difficult. I still can't beat it very easily myself, although I can beat it if I sit down and give it a shot.
Prf X: (Jun 24 2011, 12:30 pm)
Fun, can't get pass level 1 but the fun part is trying
DivineTraveller: (Feb 9 2011, 4:40 pm)
Yeah, spike traps were a pretty popular choice for the first three towers. I actually created the obstacles in series, for example, you'll notice there are significantly less of them in the latter two towers, because I got a bit more inventive (except near the end, but that's because it's the end).
Coolman1250: (Feb 9 2011, 1:26 pm)
This has way to many spike traps, other than that its pretty decent