Shinobi Scroller

by DistantWorld101
A Multi Style Shinobi Side Scroller [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 2.9
Date added: Oct 30 2014
Last updated: Mar 22 2016
Last played: Aug 1 2019
119 fans

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This side scroller is a remake of another old favorite.

Updates are done at a constant rate and Administration is on at all times in case of a miss encounter of a glitch.

Returning with a all new setup under V3.0 Finally!

Whats Done!

♥ V1.0 Completion: 100%
♣ V2.0 Completion: 100%
♠ V3.0 Completion: 8%


♥ Programmer: DistantWorld101
♣ Artist's: The People!
♠ Interface Designer: DistantWorld101
♜ Head Administration: No One

All Free To Play People Claim This Title.


Genesismagician: (Sep 23 2017, 11:09 am)
The game is back online.
Compound: (Dec 4 2014, 4:50 pm)
Can't wait, i'm sure it'll be fun!
Supergoku5469: (Nov 30 2014, 2:31 pm)
Love the game so far enjoying it keep it up