Pride of a Warrior

by DhatBoiNick
Pride of a Warrior
A massive sandbox Roleplaying game. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Feb 16 2018
Last updated: Jan 10 2019
Last played: Mar 12 2020
13 fans

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This is a game based around the generic lore of Dragonball/Z/Super. With this game, you’re free to let your imagination run wild without worrying about restrictions. A lot of games have strict rules on how things should be handled but DhatBoiNick’s aim is to let the more creative side of your minds run wild. Roleplay shouldn’t be restricted to false-facts but rather how the flow of the RP goes. Come and explore the more inventive side of DBZ RP.


SocratesBlack: (Aug 20 2019, 6:22 pm)
I sneezed and became an old man, why is year speed so god damn high?