InuYasha: Never Ending Battle

by Devil Productions
The Original, The Best, well why dont we call it what it is. The ONLY InuYasha Game standing come join n watch it grow lets make this Inuyasha Game the best! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version Version 5.0
Date added: Jul 26 2008
Last updated: Nov 18 2012
Last played: Jul 18 2010
137 fans

Waiting List

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Welcome my friends, It's been a while. I'm sorry for disappearing, vanishing off the planet or what not. I have returned with a vengence. INEB is coming back and better then before with a brand new fan fic storyboard that we hope you might enjoy. also on the forum i will have a poll determining style of gameplay so ake sure you drop in and have a look and cast your vote. long story short i have full custody of my son so i have alot of stay home time and feel like doing something constructive. aswell as im hiring a brand new staff. Devil productions works on multiple games so a Staff included on one game will transfer to another so duh youll be employed throughout all games owned by Devil productions. although all copyright games suich as INEB will not be profitable but this will allow me to find the right people to to run this buisness. apply in forums or add me on pager or windows live [email protected] im up most night but work aswell so drop a message n ill write u back.

Alpha Version 5.1 *~Updates~*

Blades of Blood = fixed
Arrows = Fixed
some small bugs fixed..
hair = 30% complete
clothes = 40% complete
added in some GM verbs. Boot n PimpSlap
Guild Party System 0% complete.. (theparty system i am makin from scratch isnt coming how i want it to, i want it to give all party members in area exp and let the party members not be hurt by friendly AOEs so since im doin it from scratch any help is appreciated and might take a bit.)


GorillaBBQ: (Dec 20 2014, 9:24 am)
Is there a way i could host a server of this game without gm?
TheFMan123: (Feb 12 2010, 11:01 am)
my char is forever invisible >.<
Seanleonartes: (Aug 3 2009, 3:36 pm)
Hey devil its kiskae sorry ive been away ive been in other projects not to mention RL has been hell...also someone hacked my msn so if you were removed sorry my new one is [email protected].
Devil Productions: (May 31 2009, 11:12 am)
Hey everyone welcome and thnx for choosing InuYasha: Never Ending battle to fill you killing, slaughtering, Gaming Needs i am currently Temprorarly unavailable within 1 week i am goin to misouri for United States Army Basic Training and i will be back Sept. 27thish i will try to get internet back on before then so that i can play with everyone and hopefully build a strong staff within the game so it will run even while im gone ./. have fun and thnx again
ODKILLER: (May 18 2009, 11:59 am)
can i be a gm