Etherian Warcards

by Developous
An old card game that I used to host. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version Revamp
Date added: Oct 10 2013
Last updated: Jun 27 2014
Last played: Mar 4 2014
4 fans

Waiting List

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Imagine a card game based on APS and KARMA. Through Karma, you can earn the right to make your own cards and have a stronger life meter.

What will you achieve with karms?

Need dedicated 'hoster'.


It's based on APS. The goal is to eliminate the opp's cards. Aps let you draw and play cards, generally, though other conditions may apply as well over time.



Xirre: (Oct 25 2013, 6:41 pm)
Lol. Okay.
Developous: (Oct 25 2013, 6:31 pm)
hmm... you can be lazy, it's ok. I just appreciate people hosting in the first place.

At your convenience, ok?
Xirre: (Oct 25 2013, 6:29 pm)
Alright. I just say this because I don't want to have to keep manually updating it lol. Shell Server was built because I was too lazy to manage everyones games.
Developous: (Oct 25 2013, 6:09 pm)
I'm more for just coding it, sorry.
Xirre: (Oct 25 2013, 5:00 pm)
Want me to give you an account on my Shell Server so you can update it yourself?