Staff List
Joshua m-----Owner/Iconner
Blackz------ Co-Owner/Coder
Zan9------ Enforcer
Dee2332----- Editor
All GM that LVLS are under 10 MUST read this in its entirity. Ignorance of its contents is no excuse for violating the acceptable conduct for an admin
-You Must Obay the Rules of the Players as well. Result: Demotion.
-Don't use your powers for fun. Result: Demotion.
-Don't mute/boot/ban/Jail people just because you don't like them.
Result: Demotion.
-Don't mute people if your not in a good mood, go out of game.
Result: Demotion.
-Dont edit stats. This includes "Give". GM's are not allowed to win tournaments and claim the prize. Result: Demotion & Ban
-Don't ask for a Promotion. When this time is right you will be. Result: Demotion.
-Don't complain about jokes played by the "Warriors of Chaos" Result: Mute/Boot/Jail.
-And last Remember the host made you a GM. He/She can take it away any time.--All Star Player Guidelines
These rules must be read carefully. Dont follow them and you will be punished.
-Don't Spam. This includes text, guild invites, and etc. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/Ban.
-Don't ask for Gm. This is with OOC, Say, Emote, and/or Whisper. Apply on the Forums. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot.
-Don't ask for a Race Change. If you want a different race then remake. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/.
-Don't ask for a Boost/Edit/. If you want a boost go win a tournament. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/Ban.
-Don't complain about dying to another player. I made the safe zone so can train. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/.
- Don't Abuse Bugs. I'm not a perfect coder. But you will report all bugs on the forums. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/Ban.
- Don't Multi Key without permission with the host. It might cause lag. And if you are sharing a router then inform the GM on the game and you will be tested. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/Ban(key).
-Don't Ask a GM for a Revive, Dragon balls, and/or and other stuff you can get by yourself. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/.
-Advertizing other DBZ games. Result: Ban (key)/Ban (IP).
-Posting any kind of Mature/Porn link in any form of chat on the game. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/Ban(key).
-Keep caps(shift/uppercase letters) to a minimum. Result: Mute/Jail/Boot/Ban(key).
