Currently Unavailable |
Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. -.-.Game Rules.-.-
* Dont Insult GMS * if You have a Dispute settle it in court * Dont harras Other players * Dont spam * do not complain about the leveling *dont ask for codes *dont ask for edits *dont ask for vaizard *dont ask for espada Court Rules When I,thou judge ask you to come up to the stands come up to the stands Do not speak out of turn dont yell I OBJECT!!!!!!!!!! under the grounds of toast ro whatever ti will be overuled Dont Complain about being in court Dont try to exit the stands Jury 1: Jury 2: Jury 3: Jury 4: Jury 5: GM RULES! This is only 3 rules dont break them and u will be fine Dont Ban for no reason Dont Abuse Dont Insult other players just cause ur higher status then them Also the popup rules are affected by the hub too! |
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