Celestial Conquest

by DeadlySin
Take control and master your elements. Meet fellow travalers, Conqure your foes. Locate the Mystic treasures for your ultimate goal! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1.6 (Remastered)
Date added: Sep 17 2005
Last updated: Oct 8 2005
Last played: Oct 3 2009
0 fans

Waiting List

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Site located at Here

We will hold the public viewing while we work on the updates. There's a little setback in some of the tasks due to 'name' corrections, but we are working on them!

Make sure you post your suggestions on the forum!!

We have added alot of new features and fixed up alot of the old style systems that we had.

Below you will see a chart of our progress.

Battlesystem |///////////| - 100%
Party System |///////////| - 100%
Quests |//---------| - 10%
Quest Items |///--------| - 15%
Quest Bosses |///--------| - 15%
PVP |/////////--| - 80%
Gameplay |//////------| - 50%
Weapons |///--------| - 30%
Armors |///--------| - 30%
Skills |///--------| - 30%
Magic |///--------| - 30%
Maps |////////---| - 70%
VIP |-----------| - 0%
Side Games |/----------| - 5%
Follower Sys |-----------| - 0%
Trades |/----------| - 5%
Monsters |////-------| - 30%
Bosses |//---------| - 10%
Special Sys |/----------| - 5%
User Content |////-------| - 25%
Dynamic Events |---------| - 0%
when we complete more.. others should arive as we make the game larger and more enjoyable!

Code and Design by Squall
Co-Design, Founding and Ideas by DeadlySin