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Bleach: Ichigo's Last Stand |
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Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. --General Player Rules--
1.Respect the admins, they are there to help you. If you have a problem, ask them, but don't spam it. 2.Respect other players. If they're insulting you and others doesn't mean you should too. Just turn your chats off and play the game 3. Do not spam OOC 4. Do not AFK train GM Rules 1. Do Not Abuse ur powers 2. Do Not TP kill 3. Follow All Player Rules 4. Don't Give Free Ranks ______________________________________ Main Owners: Dbz_master23 Halliru ______________________________________ Co-Owners: Alkhalif10 Kuroaisu2008 Izayou Forum:http://bils.forumsmotion.com/ ______________________________________ Iconner:Dbz_master23(spots open) Coder:Need a Coder Mapping:Dbz_master23(spots open) Host:Tmx85 ______________________________________ Organization: Bounto Bountard Shinigami Vaizard Quincy Quinzard Sado Sard Inoue Inozard Arrancer Espada _______________________________________ Shinigami and Quincy needs you to be over level 20 and Inoue and Sado needs you to be over level 15. Bountos level 30 and Hollows have no level requirement. Shinigami: Talk to Shinigami Teacher(In soul society, read map) Quincy: Talk to Quincy Veteran(In Quincy Tower, read map) Hollow: Get killed by a hollow and you will get a choice Bounto: Talk to Rantao(In soul society, read map) Inoue: Choose Reiatsu type when training with Urahara Sado: Choose Power type when training with Urahara Arrancar: Level 120 Menos Grandes Vaizard: Take the Urahara training Level 80 and up Shinigami- Shunpo: Level 45 Byakurai: 600 Reiatsu Sai: 550 Reiatsu Shakkahou: 1480 Reiatsu Soukatsui: 2200 Reiatsu Rikujoukourou: 2800 Reiatsu Raikouhou: 3000 Reiatsu Shikai: Level 500 Bankai: Level 750 If you don't know who Zanpaktou your choosing here is the place to know Melee: Pure Power "Zaraki" Pure Weapon Power" "Ikkaku" Speed and Power "Ichigo" Freeze and Kill Your Opponents "Hitsugaya" Blood Blasting "Urahara" Double Swords "Shonshui" Flaming Blade "Yammamoto" Light Sword "Ichinose" Water "Kaiens" Long Ranged: Skewering Multiple Enemies "Ichimaru" Ranged Reiatsu Blasts "Hinamori" Controlling: Series of Powerful Strikes "Renji" Slashing Your Foes With Small Blades "Jiroubou" Ripping Your Opponent Apart "Byakuya" Using Effects: Screwing Your Opponents With Effects "Mayuri" Immobilizing The Enemy" "Kira" Absorbing Your Enemie's Power "Yumichika" Freezing your Opponent For an Long Time "Rukia" Invisibility And Clones "Aizen" ______________________________________ Quincy- Hirenhyaku: Level 45 Haizen: Level 55 Sanrei Glove: Level 65 Gritz: Level 85 Volcore: Level 100 Final Form: Level 150 Final Form 2: Level 200 Sprenger: Level 160 Ransoutengai: Level 200 Hollow- Garganta Strong Hollow Form: Level 65 Cero: Level 45 Menos Form: Level 100 Gran Rey Cero: Level 80 Arrancar- Sonido: 120 Gran Rey Cero: 135 Shikai: Level 150 Vaizard- Shunpo Hollow Mask Cero Gran Rey Cero Santen Kessun Hirenhyaku: Level 45 Koten Zanshun: Level 80 Souten Kissun: Level 140 Brazo Derecha de Gigante Sonido: Level 45 Bounto- Bitto: Level 30 Shunpo: Level 45 Doll: Level 65 Seal Release: Level 80 Doll Mastery: Level 150 _______________________________________ If you want to know more about bleach i suggested you go to http://bleach.wikia.com it could help with the names of Shikais'. Enjoy |
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