Roman Army

by Darkster
Choose an army and play head to head action with a player! [More]

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Date added: Apr 4 2007
Last updated: Apr 5 2007
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Welcome!My first game using Roman armys,this game has non-stop action head to head player v.s player action!In this game you start off as a slave,your name you pick,the slave you are gets picked as a gladioter to fight head to head.Then when you get sick and tired of being in the gladioter camp you decide to escape.The first thing you have to do is...Get past the Roman guards and create a army of slaves and go to war with the Roman Legoinary's Such as:Garrison,Juliouse Marcas,and the one and only Spartacus...Im learing about this in school...Thats where I got the idea of this game.We learned about Roman history then watched a movie on spartacus.
Heres some of the following chracters you can pick:
Zeus (only if completed certain level)
and much more to come once I know the other names.This game will take a while but I will take time,effort,and hard work.
{Coming soon to a byond website near you,Summer 2008}

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