The Last Conflict

by Darker Emerald
The Last Conflict
Guns, explosives, classes and killing zombies! [More]
Version 7
Date added: Jul 31 2007
Last updated: Feb 16
6393 fans

2 Games Live!

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byond:// [(Public)
Survival main | Ripbot | v7 | 0/123]

No players.
byond:// [(Public)
Survival main | Ripbot | v7 | 0/123]

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- Tetsuya
- Ouros_Ouroboros
- SnipeDragon
- Synister Gates
- Knivelord

- Darker Emerald

*Character Icons*
- Gh0sTplayr
- Re4Wesker
- Kubapajonczek
- Ouros_Ouroboros
- Theonewingeddevil
- Minhpho
- Darker Emerald

*B.O.W Icons*
- Gh0sTplayr
- Conjoined Saint Sugar
- Darker Emerald

*Other Icons*
- Kubapajonczek
- Re4Wesker
- Marlus
- The Gamr
- Darker Emerald
- Marcus Lil M Birkin

- FlippyOfTheDead
- Element
- The Gamr
- Synister Gates
- Kubapajonczek
- Barthlemon
- GrandBlade20
- Ouros_Ouroboros
- Richy221
- Darker Emerald
- Ashley795

- IainPeregrine(dmm_suite)
- Kunark(Real-Time Line Effects)

- VincentValentineftw
- ThePyroX
- Minhpho
- GrandBlade20
- Synister Gates
- Tetsuya
- SnipeDragon
- Knivelord
- Ashley795
- Marcus Lil M Birkin

And a very special thanks to the BYOND staff for the engine and everyone else who contributed in some way and kept this game alive by playing it. .



Czz: (Dec 18 2023, 4:46 am)
Audio freak XD: (Aug 8 2013, 9:07 pm)
No server died. Also I love this game. <3
Ad1593: (May 20 2013, 11:18 am)
I love you man!