Dragonball Shuurajou

by DarkWolf360
Dragonball Shuurajou
Shuurajou revived! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 0.00
Date added: Apr 8 2023
Last updated: Apr 23 2024
Last played: Jul 23 2024
26 fans

Waiting List

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Hello, old and new players!

Welcome to the world of Dragonball shuurajou!

After a long hiatus, a few admins and players have decided to bring back this once-beloved game and will attempt to revive it and keep it running for as long as possible!

I will be hosting myself so any troubles that arises may take some time to deal with due to me not having hosted any byond games within the past decade.

Enjoy and if you have any trouble please do join the discord and ask anyone for help there if no one is online to help at the moment.
there are new and OG players on the discord who can help though please don't get impatient if no one replies it may take some time!

Official discord server link https://discord.gg/fyekWKxZjt