Terminator 4: The War of the Machines

by DNAgeek
The continuation of The Terminator series after Judgment Day. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 0.0.1
Date added: Apr 19 2008
Last updated: Apr 20 2008
0 fans

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Based on James Cameron's amazing Sci-Fi Series, comes Terminator 4: The War of the Machines.

This happens after T3, immidetly after Judgment day. You start of as John Conner in the bunker, reciving radio from confused military forces all over the world. You then leave the bunker on search for survivors.
Throughout, you battle Skynet with the 3 billion survivors of Judgment Day.

How the game works is that there are different baattlefeilds you can play on, waging war against the machines. After beating them, you go back to HQ and wait for the oncoming storm. If you have played R.E.O, its simular to that.

But remember this: The future's not set. There's no fate but what we make for ourselves. Skynet can be stopped!

Currently, you can only play as Tech-com, but in later versions possibly Skynet.

Current Update log-
Version 0.0.1
Iconed weapons
mob system
weapon system
a few maps
multiplayer system
all other base coding