DM Guide

by D-Cire
DM Guide
Cire's POV DM Guide [More]
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Version 1
Date added: Apr 10 2012
Last updated: Jul 27 2012
25 fans
A Dream Maker guide in the view of myself. With this i give explanations of the DM language in my point of view, and how i see things. I know i am not the most proficient programmer on BYOND, nor do i have the best spelling or grammar. However, i learned at what, i believe is a young age, how to use the basics of this language. So i figured putting things into my perspective might help out a few people.

This guide is no where near complete and as of V1.0 only features two full demos, a list of explanations and examples, and half of a third demo that will be finished in the next update. This guide also features a list of Programming Tips that have been taken from Falacy's RPG Starter. I will be working on this Guide as i have time.

Special Thanks To:
Falacy for his Programming Tips and Hints,
Fourm_Account for his tutorials, which helped myself grasp an even better hand of the DM language.


D-Cire: (Aug 10 2012, 12:32 pm)
No problem. I was honestly thinking of continuing it, but i have no idea where i was going with the third demo. And as of now, i don't know what else i should do.
Mastermen112: (Aug 10 2012, 9:08 am)
Thanks for sharing this wonderful guide.
D-Cire: (Apr 24 2012, 12:56 pm)
Thank you! =3

For all who are looking forward to, or following this, i should be updating it again in around a week.
Zasif: (Apr 19 2012, 1:07 pm)
Very Nice ^^