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Research Facility Chiron |
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:
DreamDownload byond://D4RK354B3R.ResearchFacilityChiron##version=6 Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:byond://D4RK354B3R.ResearchFacilityChiron##version=6 |
Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. GiaW 2012 Entry!
Kallisto Corporation lost contact with its Research Facility Chiron, in the Betelguese sector, several weeks ago. You're a part of the Imperial Contact Squad sent to scout out and evaluate the situation at the facility. What horrors and mysteries will you uncover as you tread deep into the depths of Research Facility Chiron? It's recommended to play this with friends! ==Features to be added in future versions== - Experience and Class unlocking! - Stats and Scoreboard - Class Abilities - New Levels - New Enemies |
Getlow27: (Mar 19 2013, 1:25 pm)
some one put a sever up that works
PopLava: (Feb 4 2013, 10:00 pm)
Thanks for the feedback Poplava. This was the winning contest entry for Oasiscircle's Game in a Week contest in August 2012. Congrats! I agree about the story text being too much. I'm working on keeping it short and sweet. I'm also considering getting a voice actor to do voice overs for people who might be too lazy to read even 3 or 4 lines of text. :) I need to readjust spawning timers so that the zombies aren't waiting for you just as the first door opens. Perhaps provide a couple empty rooms (without spawns) to let the player get comfortable with the controls. Pick up the gun, ammo, and flash light across several rooms instead of coming equipped so you become aware of your inventory. - Not overly terrible if you can hear them (which you can) and you can see them. I'm working on making the flashlight grow dimmer as you run out of energy. I might make it play some sound if it turns off the flashlight from running out of energy. For me, flash light system is great as long as I know I have one and I know it needs to recharge. It takes some "what the heck" moments to figure it out. I'm also working on making the mission objectives more obvious. Pretty much: Keep the story text short and concise and make the objective HUD markers more obvious and easy to notice. Easier said than done but a simple tutorial that walks you through the basics with a voice over leading you along. "The power is out in this corridor, turn on your flash light by hitting F". Then go on to say "ok, we made it. Now turn off your flashlight to conserve and restore the charge". About flashlight auto-on, I was hoping that H for Help was pretty obvious. Nothing obvious about H being help. I've played more games where H wasn't the help. There's text indicating it on the lobby screen. I'm not sure how to make it more obvious (for people who don't know controls). Finding help was never an issue. Not sure how finding help applies to my feedback though. I just didn't know the battery died on the flash light. Additionally, there are flares in the starting room that can be used and carried by the players, in case there's a group of players and one wants to carry a flare for others to not need flashlights. This kind of makes flashlight auto-on at start a little inappropriate. So, when I started, I saw the stuff there but had no idea what to do with the flares. Should I swap them out for my flashlight?!? I think not. Is this some obvious thing I should pick up or is it an option!? No idea. So I left them. I also wondered why there would be ammo available in the starting room when I'm already maxed. Clearly I could come back but as a first time user, I'm sitting there walking over the stuff going what the heck do I need to do with this stuff? About the autostart for singleplayer: If all players click the checkmark on their player panel (so that all of the checkmarks are green), the start timer will reduce to 10 seconds. This also applies for singleplayer, just tick your checkmark when you're ready. I only noticed the tiny check mark when I was near the 10 second mark so I didn't notice if it changed the timer for me. It's not obvious at least for me it wasn't. I can be slow sometimes. PopLava: (Feb 4 2013, 9:43 pm)
About the shooting:
Does the game really call for anything overly fancy. This game is really about experiencing the atmosphere and the thrill of not knowing what's around the corner or behind the next door. In other words, shooting is just one way in which the player can react to events in the game. I don't think my shooting suggestion came across well. First, pixel based movement would just make the game a little more fluid. If you add pixel movement, shooting becomes a lot more challenging unless you really simplify it. What if the system auto selected mobs that your mouse was near. If you hover near a mob, a target reticle will overlay the mob so wherever it goes, the target reticle goes. Left click will "shoot" (fire the gun, do damage to mob, and animate damage on mob) but never actually shoots anything. Just muzzle flash and blood splatter. Right click or space could lock a mob. Your players bottom half could run around the room in any direction but the torso would always face the mob that was currently targeted. An alternative system would be to click on the enemy and once targeted, your gun would then fire on next click. Right click deselects in this case. With these suggestions, aiming (twitch) becomes less of a factor so you can add more mobs for the player to mow down which ramps the challenge right back up. Instead of spray and pay (with frustrating misses), it becomes slightly more tactical (I think). Maybe it would be better, maybe it wouldn't. :) D4RK3 54B3R: (Feb 4 2013, 12:35 pm)
Thanks for the feedback Poplava. This was the winning contest entry for Oasiscircle's Game in a Week contest in August 2012.
I agree about the story text being too much. I'm working on keeping it short and sweet. I'm also considering getting a voice actor to do voice overs for people who might be too lazy to read even 3 or 4 lines of text. I need to readjust spawning timers so that the zombies aren't waiting for you just as the first door opens. I'm working on making the flashlight grow dimmer as you run out of energy. I might make it play some sound if it turns off the flashlight from running out of energy. I'm also working on making the mission objectives more obvious. Pretty much: Keep the story text short and concise and make the objective HUD markers more obvious and easy to notice. About flashlight auto-on, I was hoping that H for Help was pretty obvious. There's text indicating it on the lobby screen. I'm not sure how to make it more obvious (for people who don't know controls). Additionally, there are flares in the starting room that can be used and carried by the players, in case there's a group of players and one wants to carry a flare for others to not need flashlights. This kind of makes flashlight auto-on at start a little inappropriate. About the autostart for singleplayer: If all players click the checkmark on their player panel (so that all of the checkmarks are green), the start timer will reduce to 10 seconds. This also applies for singleplayer, just tick your checkmark when you're ready. About the shooting: I'm not sure how to improve this without implementing aim assist. And aim assist can be very expensive computationally. The way the aiming works is you want your mouse cursor to be roughly chest level. This means chest level on the ghouls and about the same level for the skullfish. It is pixel precise and I don't think it has significant input lag unless you're playing over a network or unless your computer's internals consist of hamster wheels. The thing is, aiming at the chest level is apparently unintuitive. I have no idea how to improve this without aim assist. PopLava: (Feb 4 2013, 7:19 am)
Wrote all this without realizing this was a contest entry. Assuming you won. Based on other comments, it sounds like this has been around for a while so maybe this feedback is moot.
Could use a single player autostart so single players don't have to wait for two minutes before starting. - Once in game, I didn't read a single thing on the left and it was way too much reading for my tastes. Perhaps provide a short story for us A.D.D. folks and a longer version for those that interact with a kiosk or something. - Uh, the first room is pitch black and the zombie creatures are already at the door but you cant see them. Ah, consider turning players flashlight on by default. :) - Aiming is a little clunky. Why not go full pixel movement with locked on targeting (so bullet trajectory isn't a real factor). - Flash light battery is cool, although odd. I guess if it's some sort of renewable energy source. Perhaps a more obvious signal that my battery is running out. Thought it was a bug where E was turning it off. - After running around and worrying about my flash light every few seconds, I felt it was way too much of an annoyance. - Lost interest after dying which took a few minutes. Didn't make it very far. The game looks amazing. Interface is nice. Sounds are good. The movement/shooting systems just don't keep up with the rest. |
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