Faction Wars

by D4RK3 54B3R
Faction Wars
Tanks, Guns, Explosives. The main weaponsof three Factions, fighting a war in a post-apocalyptic world. [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://D4RK354B3R.FactionWars##version=21

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 21
Date added: Apr 16 2006
Last updated: Apr 9 2012
Last played: Jul 16 2015
101 fans

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The Third World War had wiped out most major countries, and shortly after, the governments of most minor ones crumbled. Anarchy ruled the land for nearly an entire century. However, three factions, each with it's own idea for government, rise, each with it's own goals.

Hurrah for another "One-Man" project.

I would love to thank DarkCampaigner for motivating me to start working on this again... I began work on this sometime in Febuary, then I lost motivation. DarkCampaigner's latest game, Final Horizon, motivated me because of 1. It's Popularity and 2. It's similarity.

Any bug reports or suggestions should go into the forums. Thanks for playing!

Oh right, one more thing.

For hosts, the maps can be found here

Recent Medals


Earned by Amalkamis
Aug 9 2010, 10:25 am


Earned by Pokemon Bradley
Jun 30 2010, 8:04 am


Ty 1: (Apr 19 2009, 9:57 am)
the game is always hosted at 11:00-12:00 p.m est lol, idk where u live but i gotta stay up late just to play the game, it kinda would be nice to dl ur own host file but idt its a necessity