by Curzon
The Mystic Dragonball Journey Enter TMDJ in Quick Search, The most exciting, Most coveted DBZ Game of all time! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 2
Date added: Feb 24 2007
Last updated: Dec 19 2008
Last played: Feb 20 2011
2 fans

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TMDJ is going repetitively strong as the progress unfolds new mystical twilight brings forth a full trilogy of superior fight combinations.
the game is perfect, no flaws everything you'd exspect from a true dbz rpg, TMDJ has not left out anything remotely vital to the fans,
satisfaction, every quest ever embarked on every saga detailed down to the very peak of performance and game-play.
every technique, every charactor ever shown, every single feature without a doubt, The Mystic Dragonball Journey' is far superior to any dbz rpg project ever braght to byond with it's flawless aptitude and atmosphere any dbz fan will be surely be joining.

The Mystic Dragonball Journey

Backround Story

DBZ-Style RPG With 3 series of game play introducing db-dbz-dbgt, Only dbz charactors can be selected; But they can be transformed into gt styles apon arival of future missions.



Pixel Artwork


Graphic Design


Enjoy over 60 training methods! will be quite a supprize when the games finished.
Mind boggleing duel saga sequances partnerships and galacktic battles enjoy the amazeing gameplay and effects for almost everything you do, become the worlds martial arts tournament winner by useing vast powerful blows that not even your enimies can withstand and counter attacks that will blow your mind.

::TMDJ :

  • This game is currently 90% Completed:: Site Updated 12/19/2008.