Dragon Wu - Medals

Medals available Medals earned

Mamallei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Mamallei Class

Znakeei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Znakeei Class

Frozdumonei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Frozdumonei Class

Artifei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Artifei Class

Dumonei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Dumonei Class

Godei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Godei Class

Dakei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Dakei Class

Dragonei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Dragonei Class

Androei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Androei Class

Magicalei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Magicalei Class

Artifei Humanei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Artifei Humanei Class

Legendary Mamallei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Legendary Mamallei Class

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