Naruto Destinies Unlocked

by Crazlk
Naruto Destinies Unlocked
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Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Dec 5 2007
Last updated: Jun 21 2008
Last played: Jun 7 2008
0 fans

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This saturday is SO leader Tourny!
At 9PM (Eastern Time) followed by, a Jounin Tourny.

Basic Help: index.cgi?board=naa&action=display&thread=31

How to create a macro: index.cgi?board=naa&action=display&thread=30

Rank Info: index.cgi?board=naa&action=display&thread=4

Updates: index.cgi?board=naa&action=display&thread=2

Credits: index.cgi?action=display&board=naa&thread=32

Welcome to Naruto Destinies Unlocked.

I will be updating it so reboots may be frequent, but I will not be player wiping any time soon, so relax!

I will try to host 24/7 also.

After multiple offenses the punishment will increase harshly.
1. Don't abuse any powers(GMs...) or glitches.(Lose of power, verb, or Ban)

2. Don't Spam (includes advertising) or Repeat yourself. (Mute)

3. Don't ask for leadership of any kind, but asking if you can join Akatsuki or SO is fine. (Mute)

4. Obey your Higher-ups.

5. Don't Academy kill or Spawn kill.

6. If you insult me or any other GMs, then it is that GMs choice to chose how they punish you.

7. Dont say how much you think this game sucks, because if it sucks so fucking bad why are you still on it?

You can contact me at [email protected] if you need anything.

Byond members can become part of the Star village for free, just contact Sythril! ( You don't need to rank, because we don't want you to rank just because you want something special!)

Rate the game, because you like it, but not because you want a boost.