Dragonball Z Immortals Reborn

by Combing
Dragonball Z Immortals Reborn
Welcome to Immortal Legends. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Jun 18 2010
Last updated: Jul 13 2010
Last played: Jul 17 2010
15 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

Welcome! Please enjoy your time here.

This game was created by Sidtan and Unknown. The forum will be up shortly. We need a coder and a 24/7 host currently.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Hoster: - Jakx
Iconer: - Sidtan
GFX: - Unknown
Mapper: - Sidtan/Unknown
Coder: - Tenkichi.
HUB Design - Unknown
Forum Design - Unknown

We are currently in version 1, we will be updating as much as we can.

Updates to come : -
Scoreboard (done)
A new Race Ascended Human(In progress)
Marrage/ Divorce (In progress)
Tourny System (done)
Edit Verb fixed (done)
Afk Verb added (done)
Incrase Leveling speed slightly(done)
Decrease Dual Train gain slowly(done)
Lower Tp gain slightly(done)
Increase Zenni Gain from Mobs(done)

There are more features being added at all times So stay Tuned In game to see them!

Partnered Games.

Dragon Ball Z Lost Legends