
by CockieHead
The old Shaman King Online,By Gebsbo!!Enter and have fun!!^^ [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Jan 1 2008
Last updated: Mar 2 2008
Last played: May 31 2008
9 fans

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Welcome to Shaman King Online,It is the old good game by Gebsbo,Have fun.


1.You must follow ALL OF THE RULES.
2.Do NOT spam,any kind(From chat spam to a speaciel attack spam.)
3.Do NOT kill AFKs,and do NOT kill in safe areas (Training areas,and Dobi village.)
4.Do NOT bug abuse,if you find a bug-report about it imiddietly.
5.If you find a admin abuse his powers,please report it to ME,CockieHead,ONLY TO ME!
6.Do NOT advertise ANY game on our game.
7.If you have any suggestion for an other rule,please tell us.

Huge credit for Gebsbo for the source^_^