DBL2 Hostings

by Ciek
The last of Vizuke's DBL2 [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: May 27 2006
Last updated: Jan 24 2008
0 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

For fans out there u may download this, and host your own servers... If anybody has a problem with this entry jus tell me...
The Hosting files are in .rar format so you made need WinRar
if you have problems -> http://www.freewebs.com/dbinsanity/dbl2.rar
Also if u need it

DBLIVE 2 Techniques for this version of the game!

Name lvl req. PL Requirement
Aura Switch 1 1
Fly 1 1
Aura Manipulation 3 500
Absorb 5 1,000
Solar Flare 10 5,000
Kamehameha 15 6,000
Shield Manipulation 20 8,000
Destructo Disc 25 10,000
Beam Cannon 40 20,000
Final Flash 45 20,000
Death Beam 45 20,000
Tech. Manipulation 50 23,000
Power Up 55 25,000
Enrage 60 30,000
Sense 70 40,000
Zanzoken 100 60,000
Spirit Bomb 110 75,000
Death Ball 115 80,000
Split Form 120 90,000
Instant Transmission 170 110,000

Name Pl Requirement
SSJ 100k
SSJ2 200k
SSJ3 400k
SSJ4 1 Mil

Tri-Clops 60k
Unlock Potential 100k (Permanent stat boosts)
Mystic 250k
Super Human 500k

Super Android 300k
Perfect Android 1 Mil

1st Form 60k
2nd Form 180k
3rd Form 500k
4th Form 1 Mil

Sinc 70k
Fused 250k
Super Namek 550k
Legendary Namek 1 MIL
Dunno most of a namek's transes

if any techniques are missing or the requirements are incorrect plz inform me at [email protected] ... thank you, -Ciek-

Updated June 03, 2006