The Olympians

by Chwgt
The Olympians
Journey through a fun R-PVP world of Greek and Roman Mythology. [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Chwgt.TheOlympians##version=15

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Version 1.25
Date added: Mar 16 2013
Last updated: Nov 26 2014
Last played: Mar 22 2022
104 fans

[Extras] [Bonus features]

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The Olympians

"Before the age of man, was The Age of the Gods.
It was a time of heroes, the time when legends were born.

Kronos has clawed and schemed his way out of the depths of Tartarus.
To take back what he believes to be rightfully his, he wipes the minds of all mortals
succesfully limiting the brothers powers. Thus is how he toppled Olympus, now Zeus and his brothers
are gathering their children and any faithful followers to bring the war to Kronos' front door. Two sides must come together and put aside old hatreds to topple Kronos from the throne.
Will you make a stand?

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Hunter(Female{Hunter of Artemis} - Male{Hunter of Orion})

Subscriber Benifits ($5)
$5 gives you a months subscription and 25 Gold Drachma's(Which can be spent for Custom Made Armor,
Mount skins and can buy more inventory slots.

3 Gold Drachmas for Inventory space.
15 for a new skin for your mount.
Custom Armor will vary depending on degree of work that has to be put in and what stats you want it
to have.

Item Storage
+15 to Inventory Space(Base of 20)
Sub's don't have to rebirth in the Underworld
Will be able to play special multi-player War mode.
Sub only Quests

Recent Medals

Alpha Tester

Earned by SpikeTHEOne
Dec 7 2023, 4:48 pm


Earned by SpikeTHEOne
Dec 7 2023, 4:48 pm


Gokussj99: (Nov 15 2014, 10:40 am)
So I was walking in town when this big shadow appeared...

I ded.
MIkey xy: (May 2 2013, 5:59 am)
Boss Game So Far Bro.
Brettpenzer: (Mar 31 2013, 9:02 pm)
think i just raped a smile O_O
Chwgt: (Mar 22 2013, 9:56 pm)
Just posted update log in forum. Will post more later.