Spirit Age

by Chris Gayle
Spirit Age
An amazing action adventure game in a fantasy world on mystical islands [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 46
Date added: Sep 20 2011
Last updated: Apr 12 2019
Last played: May 31 2019
1082 fans

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Xirre: (Aug 13 2013, 11:56 pm)
I hope this is still under intense production as I'd like to see it done. I'll host it for BETA players 24/7 but it will lag when I'm not using my computer. Primarily because I am hosting it on a virtual machine and not my primary OS. When I'm not using my VM I turn on my cpulimiter. Thus, the game will lag when the cpulimit is on. Good luck with development. Go wild on the server.
Tacoz123: (Jul 13 2013, 1:23 am)
I'm back, wish you best luck in further developing Spirit Age and hopefully I'll see you in game sometime soon :)
Kihatomay: (Jul 11 2013, 11:08 am)
How much longer is closed beta? It's taunting me..
Ishuri: (Jul 9 2013, 3:51 pm)
Yes, monsters will drop equipment/relevant items inspired by their design.
XxKotaxX: (Jul 9 2013, 2:29 pm)
I hope thats gonna get removed :C (The no drops thing).

Also, I'd like to ask if there's planned anything like monsters dropping equipment? Like, with a very low probability (lets say 0'01%).