Currently Unavailable |
Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. This game has everything. It will blow your socks off.
Here's a list of moves that work at the moment: Absorb Acid Acid Armor Acupressure Aerial Ace Aeroblast Agility Air Cutter Air Slash Amnesia Ancientpower Aqua Jet Aqua Ring Aqua Tail Arm Thrust Aromatherapy Assist Assurance Astonish Attack Order Attract Aura Sphere Aurora Beam Avalanche Barrage Barrier Beat Up Belly Drum Bide Bind Bite Blast Burn Blaze Kick Blizzard Block Body Slam Bone Club Bone Rush Bonemerang Bounce Brave Bird Brick Break Brine Bubble Bubblebeam Bug Bite Bug Buzz Bulk Up Bullet Punch Bullet Seed Calm Mind Captivate Charge Charge Beam Charm Chatter Clamp Close Combat Comet Punch Confuse Ray Confusion Constrict Copycat Cosmic Power Cotton Spore Counter Crabhammer Cross Chop Cross Poison Crunch Crush Claw Crush Grip Curse Cut Dark Pulse Dark Void Defend Order Defense Curl Defog Destiny Bond Dig Disable Discharge Dive Dizzy Punch Double Hit Double Kick Double Team Double-Edge Doubleslap Draco Meteor Dragon Claw Dragon Dance Dragon Pulse Dragon Rage Dragon Rush Dragonbreath Drain Punch Dream Eater Drill Peck Dynamicpunch Earth Power Earthquake Egg Bomb Ember Encore Endeavor Endure Energy Ball Eruption Explosion Extrasensory Extremespeed Facade Faint Attack Fake Out Fake Tears False Swipe Featherdance Fire Blast Fire Fang Fire Punch Fire Spin Fissure Flail Flame Wheel Flamethrower Flare Blitz Flash Flash Cannon Flatter Fly Focus Blast Focus Energy Focus Punch Force Palm Foresight Frenzy Plant Frustration Fury Attack Fury Cutter Fury Swipes Giga Drain Giga Impact Glare Grasswhistle Growl Growth Grudge Guard Swap Guillotine Gunk Shot Gust Gyro Ball Hail Hammer Arm Harden Haze Head Smash Headbutt Heal Bell Heal Order Heart Swap Heat Wave Helping Hand Hi Jump Kick Horn Attack Horn Drill Howl Hydro Cannon Hydro Pump Hyper Beam Hyper Fang Hyper Voice Hypnosis Ice Beam Ice Fang Ice Punch Ice Shard Icicle Spear Icy Wind Ingrain Iron Defense Iron Head Iron Tail Jump Kick Kinesis Karate Chop Lava Plume Leaf Blade Leaf Storm Leech Life Leech Seed Leer Lick Light Screen Lovely Kiss Low Kick Luster Purge Mach Punch Magical Leaf Magnet Bomb Magnitude Meditate Mega Drain Mega Kick Mega Punch Megahorn Metal Claw Metal Sound Meteor Mash Milk Drink Minimize Mirror Shot Mist Ball Moonlight Morning Sun Mud Bomb Mud Shot Muddy Water Mud Slap Nasty Plot Needle Arm Nightmare Night Shade Night Slash Octazooka Odor Sleuth Ominous Wind Outrage Overheat Pay Day Payback Peck Petal Dance Pin Missile Poison Gas Poison Jab Poison Sting Poison Tail Poisonpowder Powder Snow Power Gem Power Swap Power Whip Pound Psybeam Psychic Psycho Boost Psycho Cut Psywave Punishment Pursuit Quick Attack Rapid Spin Razor Leaf Recover Reflect Rock Blast Rock Smash Rock Throw Rock Tomb Rolling Kick Rollout Roost Sand-attack Sand Tomb Scratch Screech Seed Bomb Seismic Toss Selfdestruct Shadow Ball Shadow Claw Shadow Punch Shadow Sneak Shock Wave Silver Wind Sing Sky Uppercut Slack Off Slam Slash Sleep Powder Sludge Sludge Bomb Smokescreen Smog Solarbeam Sonicboom Spacial Rend Spark Spikes Spore Splash Stealth Rock Steel Wing Stomp Stone Edge Strength Struggle Stun Spore Supersonic Surf Swagger Swift Swords Dance Synthesis Tackle Tail Whip Take Down Thrash Thunder Thunder Fang Thunderbolt Thunderpunch Thundershock Thunder Wave Toxic Toxic Spikes Tri Attack Twineedle Twister Vacuum Wave Vicegrip Vine Whip Vital Throw Water Gun Waterfall Water Pulse Wing Attack Withdraw Wood Hammer Wrap X-Scissor Zap Cannon Zen Headbutt This is the temporary location for the move list until I think of somewhere better to put it. |
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Poheoron1: (Jun 19 2024, 12:42 pm)
i'd definitely be ultra active and play more often if it's hosted as frequently as possible. also i was the original first person to catch them all in the game. which is a crowning achievement considering i trained multiple teams at the same time. also there needs to be a spot where zangoose only spawn at cause my attack ev training is backed behind lol.
Pokemonred200: (Apr 9 2023, 9:41 am) also there's a discord now
Choryong: (Apr 8 2023, 8:53 am)
It's up (:
Navalt: (Apr 5 2023, 9:47 am)
Omg pls
Choryong: (Apr 4 2023, 9:58 pm)
The drive is now sitting on my desk... All I need to do is open my PC case and put it in.............
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