Naruto: Uchiha Revenge

by Cesarkiller
Naruto: Uchiha Revenge
This game is a cool game. Alot of Organizations and alot of Cloths. Come and join. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1.0
Date added: Dec 5 2008
Last updated: Dec 6 2008
1 fan

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sauske Pictures, Images and Photos

A very cool game of Naruto. This game is based on Uchiha Revenge. Still under Update but soon will be finished.

.::Player Rules::.

1) No Repeatedly asking for Higher Rank or GM.

2) No Disrespecting GMs.

3) No Multiclanning There Are SubClans But Anyone With More Clans than 2 will be wiped Unless i Said Its Ok.

4) Multikeying Allowed. (Two Keys online at once in same house).

5) No Spamming. (Boot then IP Ban)

6) Don't ask for a GM summon.

7) No Calling for a GM More than Once Or a Boot/ Then Ban. If we do not acknowledge you we are busy or we are not ready to come to you or summon you or we are simply not even there.

8) Do Not Mass Recreate, you will Get booted then Banned.

9) Don't ask for A Higher Rank.

10) Do Not Mass Relog, you will Get booted then Banned.

11) Do not ask to be put in an Organization by a Gm Because They Do Not Have That Power .

12) Do not ask to become a Sannin Or an ANBU by a Gm Because They Do Not Have That Power . That is the Kage's Honor and the Kage's Decision.

.::GM rules::.

1) First and foremost, do NOT abuse your Powers. They WILL be taken away from you if you do so. No exceptions.

2) Do not use your GM to threaten the players or other staff members. Usually, most problems can be solved without the usage of your verbs. If all else fails, then use them.

3) Do not give certain players special treatment. This means that players stay out of areas they don't belong in and that you don't give "friends" items they shouldn't have (or that were "created").

4) Do your job. Answer questions, help players, etc. Don't just sit there doing nothing.

5)I Give No GM's Special Treatment.