
by Cassidyx15
New RPG for byond users, whether its grinding on monsters or doing quests. There will be plenty. [More]
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Version 10
Date added: Jul 27 2013
Last updated: Aug 13 2013
Last played: Jun 19 2014
15 fans

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You awake not knowing who you are, or what your supposed to do. As you progress through the storyline, you will slowly become aware of what happened in your past. Till you get to a point where it changes up. You know who you are, you know what you have to do. And you know who you have to kill

Game is close to beta

Visitor Counter


Kboy33: (Aug 8 2013, 3:12 am)
So I see. That's good then.

And with the criticism, take it into consideration, however be sure that you can tell the difference to harsh criticism and trolling/hating.
Cassidyx15: (Aug 7 2013, 9:14 am)
yea, people might critizize on it, but thats bound to happen on byond. no matter what, some asshole is gonna come onto a game and find something they dont like. and talk shit. whether its a good game or not. cause thats just how people are.

and kboy i do plan on making a list of what ive added. so far that list only contains about 6 missions 15 items, and a alot of map work. needless to say that list isnt very big.
Kboy33: (Aug 7 2013, 8:59 am)
+1 @ Mord.

Make a forum post or something for showcasing the features and updates until the game is ready in your opinion?
Mordasius: (Aug 7 2013, 2:11 am)
Making the game visible opens you up to critique, and exposure to the community as a whole. It should just be common then to get someone like me, or similar criticizing your hub entry in some regard.
Cassidyx15: (Aug 7 2013, 2:08 am)
i made it visible so that i can show people that i want to show. give them a lil sample of what ive done so far. and profanity is awesome :O