Dragon Ball Curtain Call

by Carothis
Dragon Ball Curtain Call
A Dragon Ball Related Game with New Features and Unique Races [More]
Latest Version
Date added: Jun 12 2007
Last updated: Sep 5 2024
394 fans

1 Game Live! [Beta: ShowHide webclient]

Only Windows users can play this game. If you are using an emulator, enter the URL for the game in File | Open Location on your BYOND pager menu.

byond://BYOND.world.137496958 [v25 Beta 2 Hosting: Carothis]
Hosted by Carothis

Logged in: 8 players [See list]
^^^^Please be Aware that do to a Identified Byond Issue the Displayed Player count on the Hub and In the Pager and is traditionally drastically lower then the true count on server. Feel free to join us and see for yourself. We look forward to seeing you in game. And we will remove this message once Byond has fixed the error on their end^^^^

This is a Dragon Ball Game Initially Started in 2007 This game welcomes all looking to roleplay and do things in a Dragon ball universe they could not anywhere else. We also offer a wide array of Races from Space Pirates (Herans) to Makyos (Garlic jr) and many more traditionally less used races. We hope you join us just Please respect our 0 tolerance rules for any racist, Sexist or inappropriate behavior. This game is intended to be a safe place to RP and have fun.

This game is a RP/PVE/PVP Sandbox MMO
-Any additional Admins will be appointed and found by us(Do not ask to be one)-


***Dragonball is Owned by TOEIANIMATION, Ltd. and Licensed by FUNimation Productions, Ltd. All rights reserved.Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT and all logos, characters names and distinctive likenesses thereof are
tradmarks of TOEI ANIMATION, Ltd. Please support the Official Release.***

Latest Version
Date added: Jun 12 2007
Last updated: Sep 5 2024
394 fans


Carothis: (Aug 31 2024, 6:05 pm)
Saweetie wrote:
Jinx101 was never banned for erotic roleplay involving a child. Just another example of the type of behavior this owner has, slandering someone over a disagreement. Can't even defend his game without lying about someone. Have fun with your 5 players.

Sorry but this is neither the time nor the place to be trying falsities more so because you have never been in my game. If you have a concern on how I handle anything you are welcome to speak with me directly as my Discord information is readily available. if not you are to stay off this hub as we do not tolerate toxic behavior and lying is just that.
Delfinner24: (Aug 31 2024, 11:11 am)
who da fuck is dat lol I haven't seen sombody under that user in game
Saweetie: (Aug 31 2024, 8:59 am)
Jinx101 was never banned for erotic roleplay involving a child. Just another example of the type of behavior this owner has, slandering someone over a disagreement. Can't even defend his game without lying about someone. Have fun with your 5 players.
Delfinner24: (Aug 30 2024, 12:24 pm)
honestly, the game is really fun and unique compared to other games, i'd say it should have way more players than it does but ig ppl just like rips of slightly newer games
Vash-Da-Trigun: (Aug 30 2024, 11:24 am)
Fun game, has a lot of offers with a unique skill tree, and admins aren't abuse which is a plus for me.