To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:
DreamDownload byond://CalusCoRPS.cast8k##version=11
Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:
Version 11
Date added: | Dec 7 2010 |
Last updated: | Oct 4 2011 |
Last played: | Oct 1 2013 |
7 fans
Cast8k is a ray-caster engine that is around 8k in size. The current download is a demonstration of how it preforms.
Recent Changes:
Wall Textures (There will be some initial lag with this update. I will fix this problem once I have time.)
Smoother Movement
Existing Bugs:
Texture Lag
Graphical Glitches
To-do List:
Sprites (Expected Completion Date: January)
Copyright © 2024 BYOND Software.
All rights reserved.
The source code is not available, at least to my knowledge. To correct my previous statement, V56 uses a basic texture: each wall contains essentially 2-4 colors (probably just 2). This decreases the lag substantially as you would only need to size up 4 color stripes.
With cast8k, it uses whole textures. So for a 64x64 texture, I have to create almost 256 different sizes for each 1x64 strip. Lets say I have a brick wall which does not repeat. That'll mean I'll have 16384 icons generated at runtime for just that wall. Now add in a door, window, and so on.
I've gone Gakus route and essentially made walls 2-4 colors, thus only having to create 512-1024 icons at runtime. It ran smoothly like Gakus game. But when compared to an indie game shooter, V56 and this does not compare. BYOND players typically have lower standards when compared to the rest of the indie community. Which is why we have "BYOND games" and not "great indie games".
tl;dr - This uses more complex textures, like it or not. Have fun playing V56 though!