Naruto Dark Rising

by Calilber
Another GOA rip/looking for a 24/7 host [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Calilber.NarutoDR##version=0

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Latest Version
Date added: Dec 8 2010
Last updated: Jan 12 2011
Last played: Aug 22 2024
227 fans

Waiting List

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Another goa rip but you can host on your own free will
I only have one rule dont be asking for admin ill decide on who gets admin


LionX123: (Jan 9 2020, 12:54 pm)
hey dude, you still having the rip? i wanna try host or get some rips but its hard to find anything. you can mensagem me in [email protected] if you want!
Zayfire670: (Apr 22 2019, 1:17 am)
I wanna take over
Allington12345: (Dec 22 2018, 12:52 pm)
can somebody send me the files? [email protected]
Robinhood8: (Apr 17 2017, 10:19 am)
24/7 hosting
Ayomide1777: (Mar 31 2013, 3:58 am)
Calliber Do host get Verbs if they do reply