Solar Apocalypse

by Bumblemore
Solar Apocalypse
A game based loosely on climate change [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Bumblemore.SolarApoc##version=0

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 0.61
Date added: Nov 4
Last updated: Dec 12
1 fan

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S O L A R * * * A P O C A L Y P S E
version 0.6

Hey folks. I took down the old hub because of a continual broken download link. Ran out of ways I could think to fix it, so I remade the hub. The HUB was not actually the issue, it was adding the executable ZIP at edit-time, I fixed the issue by using the download link to my ZIP after I had added it to my BYOND files


Imagine if the seasons became longer. Summers and winters that both last years and are extreme in intensity.

I love survival-sims, and so here comes my attempt at a realistic survival-sim based loosely on climate change.

Latest version of the sauce available HERE: SolarApocalypseSource


Bumblemore: (Nov 11, 1:40 am)
I'm not really a fan of discord but I made one anyway for people who like it