Solar Apocalypse

by Bumblemore
Solar Apocalypse
A game based loosely on climate change [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Bumblemore.SolarApoc##version=0

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 0.63
Date added: Nov 4 2024
Last updated: Jan 3
1 fan

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S O L A R * * * A P O C A L Y P S E
version 0.6

Hey folks. I took down the old hub because of a continual broken download link. Ran out of ways I could think to fix it, so I remade the hub. The HUB was not actually the issue, it was adding the executable ZIP at edit-time, I fixed the issue by using the download link to my ZIP after I had added it to my BYOND files


Imagine if the seasons became longer. Summers and winters that both last years and are extreme in intensity.

I love survival-sims, and so here comes my attempt at a realistic survival-sim based loosely on climate change.

Latest version of the sauce available HERE: SolarApocalypseSource


Bumblemore: (Jan 1, 11:00 pm)
TheUndyingSpell wrote:
We have had a ice age before, the only climate change is a natural cycle that is part of earths natural system and nothing caused by people. The rockafellas benefit the most from companies that supposebly cause climate change and are some of the most helpful people and rivals of the rothchilds, its in the rothchilds best interest to push climate change propaganda.

Good job this isn't propaganda then
TheUndyingSpell: (Dec 30 2024, 10:34 pm)
We have had a ice age before, the only climate change is a natural cycle that is part of earths natural system and nothing caused by people. The rockafellas benefit the most from companies that supposebly cause climate change and are some of the most helpful people and rivals of the rothchilds, its in the rothchilds best interest to push climate change propaganda.