Naruto Ninja Pansys Vengence

by Bubbles1255
Naruto Ninja Pansys Vengence
Its a brand new game with all spots open! Play [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version Version 1.0
Date added: Nov 30 2008
Last updated: May 7 2011
1 fan

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

Its Up.

Naruto Ninja Pansys Vengence.
Owner: Emo-Bubbles (key: Bubbles1255)
CoOwner: None atm
Will Be Looking For Admin/Helpers.

1.Please Respect GM's Admins and other players.
2.No Spawn Killing, Acad killing.
3.No SPAMMING, Or Advertising.
4.Last, And MOST Important,
Do Not Piss Off GMS xD JKJK But Seriously
Have Fun ^_^



Cloud Kage: Open

Grass Kage: Open

Leaf Kage: Open

Mist Kage: Open

Rain Kage: Open

Rock Kage: Open

Snow Kage: Emo

Sound Kage: Open

Sand Kage: Open

Star Kage: Open

WaterFall Kage: Open


Leader: Open
2: Open
3: Open
4: Open
5: Open
6: Open
7: Open
8: Open
9: Open
10: Open

Leader: Open
2: Open
3: Open
4: Open
5: Open
6: Open
7: Open



Neji_Ubssesor: (Aug 11 2009, 3:25 pm)
i believe there is an error with ur download so plz send me files and i will give you a 24/7 lagg free server.