
by Brettpenzer
RobNRun - Hide and Seek Game [More]

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Latest Version
Date added: Dec 21 2012
Last updated: Dec 22 2012
Last played: Feb 2 2013
3 fans

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RobNRun - Hide and Seek Game

Programming - Brettpenzer
Pixel Art - Brettpenzer
Inspiring - Calus Corps
Libs - Sidescrolling Movement System, sd Lighting

A 8-Player Hide and Seek game where one seeker has to capture 7 robbers and return them back to jail

There are currently 3 maps to be chosen from

Sewers - A dirty sewer where hiding is good but space is very limited, lighting is very dark and almost blind at times

Town - Houses, Hotels & Skyscrapers give you the height to the hiding places but once up its a long way down, lighting will change thoughtout the map as the sky turns day and night. Light and darkness will play a big part

Rooftops - Jumping from one roof to another trying to find the best hiding place, lighting is slightly dark but will be lighten up as the moon is slightly close

Big/Massive Thanks To...

Forum_account's - Sidescrolling Movement System

Shadowdarke - sd_DynamicAreaLighting
Link: sd_DynamicAreaLighting


Thedarkblade91: (Jan 20 2013, 4:07 am)
ralese soon plzzzz
Calus CoRPS: (Dec 27 2012, 6:20 pm)
Can't wait!