.::DragonBall Z: Saiyan Uprising Administration::.
Owner:Brandon T A.K.A. Koden Hatake™/Don Hatake™
DragonBall Z:Saiyan Uprising!
Admin List
Koden Hatake(Brandon T)
Snow Hunter(Asumaftw)
System Admins
Judge Dashi(Hater50)
Game Admin
Big B(Brandon_559)
Damaru(Damaru Kyokan)
Hub Designer
Koden Hatake(Brandon T)
.::Player Rules ::.
1.Do Not Ask For GM.If You Do I Can Assure That You Will Be Banned Immediately!Apply On Forums And We Will Note Your Application And Observe You Carefully In Game.GM Applications Are Just To Get An Owners Attention.We Will Not Hire You From App Only.
2.Do Not Complain If You Are Killed.It Is A PvP Game.However...If You Are Killed In SZ Tell An Admin And Get Their Attention To Own The SZ Killer Wherever He Is Or Have Him Jailed
3.Respect All Players.Minor Arguments Are Natural.But Purpose Arguments Will Get A Nice Foot Up Your Ass By An Admin.
4.Do Not Spam At All.If You Spam I Shall Either Ban You Or Code You With An Inability To Speak.
5.You Advertise And I Shall Ban You On The Spot.And Do Not Try To Log Off Because I Can Ban Faster Than Superman Can Run
6.DONT ROLL UP ON OWNERS! If you need help ask players, then low gms, then higher gms. You do not ask Owner for anything until noone else can help you because they cant handle everything at once.
7.Do Not Kill GMs who appear next to you or summon you on Business. Stand still and let them finish their observation, They work to help you(But kill them when they're done and you get a cookie ;D)
8.Have a good time while following rules one through 8.
.::Administrative Rules And Regulations::.
1.DO NOT EDIT YOURSELF!! If you DO edit yourself, Dont give yourself something you wouldnt give to anyone that asked. Be Fair.
2.Enforce the rules as stated above. In the absence of owners, it is ok to come up with rules if they do not change the way the game is set up.
3.Do NOT Abuse.You Abuse And I Swear I Will Make Your Life So Miserable.i Will Make The Players Choose Your Downfall.
4.Obnoxious people spamming Announce will find the verb takin from them. So only use announce for important things.
5.Be Fun. Make players WANT to stay here.Make Them Want To Invite Their Friends And Hang And Fight.I Don't Care If You Host Back-to-Back Tournaments.But Make Sure You Do Not Host More Than 2 Prize Tournaments A Day.
6.Show No Favortism toward players in your judgement. Help Anyone that needs it to the best of your abilities. If you recieve complaints by enough people you will be fired.
7.DO NOT BOOST YOURSELF WITHOUT GOOD REASON! You are also not allowed to take a prize in any tournament or event that you host, but you are allowed to participate.