
by Bloodocean7
A Short Story Of Love. [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Bloodocean7.Love##version=2

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Version 1.7
Date added: Jun 6 2013
Last updated: Jul 3 2013
19 fans

Update june 12th:
I added more quests a different map different controls (click to interact) and A alternate ending! Also a quest with your son!

Thank you all for your feedback and ideas and support and thank you Teka for all your help :)

Go on and try it out to see Teka's awesome art :)

Hey Byond!

Welcome to Love! A short story of the love between a guy and a girl and the life they build together.

In this game you play a man who needs to provide for his wife.

You must gather wood to build a home,
Start a family,
and Feed your family.

Overall you must protect the ones you Love.

Talk to your wife to get your next "Quest" :)

This is a very short game and I may add more in the future, however the ending to this story is somewhat of a twist ;)

BTW I was searching for good music to add to this game but nothing I found seems to fit, if you have a suggestion as to a good background song for the game let me know :)

I hope you will enjoy this game and keep an eye out for my future projects :)

Let me know in the comments if you liked it!

NOTE: Try not to post about the ending so you don't spoil it for anyone :) If you have found a bug or want to discuss the ending or anything else you can always message me :)

Also If you enjoy my games and want to repay me for my work I accept donations at my website:

I work making these games full time as of the moment and have very little income x.x So anything helps! :)

Thanks for playing!



Bloodocean7: (Feb 5 2015, 8:26 pm)
Its been forever but due to recent interest by various people in this project I am going to start developing it again.

I have learned alot since I first made this game and I can use that knowledge to improve it.

I hope to have an update soon and am looking forward to sharing a better more involved game with you guys.

Stay tuned,
Hoosha: (Jan 3 2014, 6:40 am)
Ohohohoho what a boring game. I was expecting a twist..
Brettpenzer: (Jul 5 2013, 12:52 am)
Game is starting to shine. Keep up the good work!
Dariuc: (Jul 3 2013, 8:39 am)
Bloodocean7 wrote:
I updated the game to fix some bugs and make the new ending work :) I am also taking your advice and adding more survival elements and resources as well as changing the fishing spots.

I will be updating very soon thanks for hanging in there :)


*if you could see me right now you'd see my grinch smile* I'll just do the whale instead. -__________- awesome :D
Bloodocean7: (Jul 3 2013, 8:36 am)
I updated the game to fix some bugs and make the new ending work :) I am also taking your advice and adding more survival elements and resources as well as changing the fishing spots.

I will be updating very soon thanks for hanging in there :)
