Naruto Online Quest

by BlackFire Productions
Naruto Online Quest
Game is currently under construction. Check back often to see if its up, [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Jan 13 2010
Last updated: Aug 25 2010
14 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

Cool text generator
Cool text generator
Game is under constraction is will be up soon. We need iconer, and hoster. If you can help pleace help us.

Myspace comment generator

1. No sending out adult, overly inappropriate or vulgar links.
2. No spam of any sort
3. No advertising other games.
4. No language that could be considered racist, sexist and etc... keep swearing to a minimum.
5. No constant use of caps lock in chat channels.
6. No abuse of bugs. If you find one report it on the forum instantly and you will usually get awarded by your find.

Glitter text generator

Myspace Glowing text

Myspace Glowing text
Myspace Glowing text
Glitter text generator

Please be respectful to them and just play, if you need something in game ask GM, we will add more gms so every time you join there will be some gms on.
If you want to apply for Gm and you have a Skills in iconing and hosting apply for gms.
Also if you want to apply for a helpers plz do it too.

Myspace text generator

Myspace comment generator

Standalone player Get Ringtones