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Namekaze, SAmUel2, Saskue219, Deathfall12, Jamarcus mosley, TelinPeidinho, KinGRawR67, Matt1313, Kiasanki, KinGRawR45, Justsmileo, F yourself, Lillil123, Brenno456, NeoAreux, Geimbhoy, Miketate, Quit Frontin, Macskan, DJ_Uchiha, Fandor, MasterYuri1, Pumpedhero, King kong47, Buddha187, Baboooskis, Cheerios, Kirai666, PUTZ2, TheAncientOne, Ichijou Takumi, Angelkpg, Daze Of Light, Tevicomaster, KaiserMouse, Animeking12, Kahbugomil, Gabriel muller, Ninshu, Badboman, Slayer86, Mangekyou Prodigy, Etnies445, HylianPanda, Aboubakary71778, Shadow3536, Armagedon622, Willy720, 360willy, Jaffizz, GokenX23, Yolo531, Kaeshi, Trainer1806, Noroi, BlackPandaTKS, Lashikogen, Kfox12, Kyubikitsune, XSoulBreaker4, Zanero, Lostsoul670, Cassadil, Deidara666, Sakyuux, Wolves14, SaitoXhiraga, Goku the chosen one, Bosha, Amplifiededd, Cakehero12, Joryyo, Cguinn2, Yuki_Reaper113, Nuby67, Nelifaction, Silver Uchiha, Longlive, ZzNinjazZ, Blizzard Wolffang, Oblivion7889, SeijuroHiko225, DragoonViolet, Juniorspit, Scrub Nation, EyeIzMoorey, AuroxNight, Neko55, DeathSasuke13, Lalazla, Presto_3399, KenV2, Brelyn, BigBos, Dbzhalosnipe, Yogafb, SASKMANIACO666, Rafael Saurom, Bionick, Zero20022, Drake Dragonbane, Crazii809tm, STRK, Woestijn, Deebo35, Izzyx3, The World Ends With You, Frconnor, Sora REVENGE, Kevon2, Ichco82, SirDiesAlot, Rilgon, Mrbear2899, Narutolanges, Blaze115, Hattori Heiji, Vestros, Natashuzu, Bad316, Form2r7, XThunderX, Daiquan99, Vegetasayian2, LegendaryGODZ, Pericles117, Matex69, Ironeyewolf, The White Crow, Bleachfan24, Hiromasa, FlameOfDarkness, SapphirePWO2, Kiro909, Youngmoney08, Quinni_boy, Bleachfan23, Mehapow, Kaoikey, Adrianmage, Shadow9927, Fire Fist Kid, Luciowolf, Shadow74488, Stivan34, Donteezy, Zarashi, Yamimakai, Quanne__, Gilgamesh200, XRageX, Killua34, Yamon24, Darkspica316, Avenger5, Shanesimms1993, TS Sasuke, Shadow Mystic, Ichigo560, Knight_of_death, Vegeta546, NeTai, Kayfresh20, Fuzzler, Kochampion, The Supreme OverLord, Cracc, Traviskilla2, Ebowe, Surik102, 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