ClanDBGT Pure Edition 3

by Backstabber007
ClanDBGT Pure Edition 3
ClanDBGT Pure Edition 3 is an enticing, addictive, Dragonball MMORPG. It features all of the Z/GT sagas, a pure leveling system, Environmental Damage, unique races, ki system, fighting system and more! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Aug 13 2008
Last updated: Aug 14 2008
3 fans

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Aren't you tired of doing the same thing with a different map, same type of training, techniques and clothes? ClanDBGT Pure Edition 3 is exactly what you’re looking for. It has a totally different system of training then any other game. We bring the latest sagas and transformations. This game is realistic and all transformations will be from the show and movies. This game is not a rip.

Game Moderators:
Darox Owner
Dinner Founder
Xaldin Owner/Founder

More about the game:

This will be an enviroment where you can kill, destroy and have a huge spree on which you really just piss off everyone =) but seriously this game will be always changing high speed fast paced and new features comming out constantly. Go ahead try it out all we ask is if you don't like just leave peacefully dont be a pain..... You will be muted for excessive cursing disrespecting gm's And all that sort ... just behave like a human and you'll have no problems .....

-Game Administrators