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GTA - Streets of Crime |
Grand Theft Auto - Streets of Crime [More] |
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Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. Grand Theft Auto ~ Streets of Crime!
Version 1 Progress Report Welcome to the Version 1 Progress Report. I'm happy to say that a few bugs in the code were fixed after Re-coding the entire thing. And by that i mean mostly Copy & paste the original code but making it allot neater and easier to navigate. Each code file now has a Index page which allows me to se what's in the page, So searching for certain variables that i may need to tweak will be allot easier. I've fixed the vehicle system to a certain extent. There is still a slight bug with it that i will fix (Hopefully) soon, Right now i'm currently tweaking the weapon system, Which brings me onto that! The weapon system is coming along nicely, I currently have 3 Weapons coded so far, for testing purposes, and they all seem to be working correctly, Just need to tweak the damage rates on some of the guns since one of them is incredibly overpowerd [Shotgun] which kills in 3 shots (And i stupidly diddn't code it a Delay time on fireing, Doh!) Now, The banking system, It's a pretty basic system for withdrawls and deposits, But i still need to code the ability to Rob the bank which will be started after i code the actual classes! [Bank Robber, Car jacker, Car Bomber, Etc] I have not started on a GM System yet, but it will consist of the basic commands. [Ban, IPBan, Keyban, Mute, Freeze, Reboot, Kick, Announce & More] Job's will be included too, No not medic, police, FBI, I mean Gang Jobs for the criminals, Such as robbing a store of some sort for a reward from the Gang leader perhaps? I'd also like to say that Apartments could be available to "purchase" in-game, It's been on the development list for some time and i havent got around to doing it yet since i've had more important things to code, But i have coded a few housing systems before and this could be acheived for version 1, If not, version 1.5. Thats the progress report for now, there are other features in the game that are coded or in development but i left them out in this report for now. Sudgestions ARE welcome! I'm coding this game for others not just for myself, So your idea's will be greatly welcomed and possibly chosen to be coded! and credit will be given where credit is due. ~ Bevan |
Joshnewhouse: (May 23 2012, 7:03 am)
This is an even later reply sorry, but I do hope I can play the game again, this was one of my favorite games on BYOND and I hope to play again but if you have anything to post or something I use an alt called Joshuaxz most of the time and please send the info to that, thanks.
BEVAN: (Nov 21 2009, 1:58 pm)
Joshnewhouse wrote:
When is someone going to host? Such a late reply, Sorry. I've been away for some time. - I'm back now and im continuing with the game. I'm happy to say that a number of previous bugs are being fixed and many have already been fixed, Soon the rest will be coded and then the last thing will be mapping the city, And hopefully i can get Version 1 up and running! Joshnewhouse: (May 9 2009, 5:13 pm)
When is someone going to host?
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