Zombie Builder

by Atomixkid
A whole new meaning to 'charicter building'. [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Atomixkid.Zombie_Builder##version=0

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Latest Version
Date added: Nov 11 2006
Last updated: Nov 12 2006
Last played: Nov 7 2011
2 fans

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This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase 'charicter building'. In this 'game' you can click on parts of bodies to add them to yourself. So far i've got litraly tons of diffrent animated icons just for this. At the moment the only thing that realy effects you is the number of eyes you have. Try experementing and messing around with what you got on your zombie to try and think of a combination of parts that I havent yet made an icon for so that you can laugh at me.