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Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. Bleach Online
Ranking boosts Rank 1: Boost to lvl 999, Rank boost zanpokto Bankai, Get name on hubpage for people who ranked AND html/color faded name Rank 2. Boost to lvl 666, Rank boost Zanpakto Shikai,Get name on hubpage for people who ranked AND html/color faded name Rank 3: Boost to lvl 333,Get name on hubpage for people who ranked AND html/color faded name People who ranked Rules: / equals if you do it again 1.No swearing. Mute/boot/jail/IPbann 2.No advertising. Boot/jail/Ipbann 3. Nl bribing mods or members. mute/boot/jail/pwipe/ipbann 4. No asking staff for stuff unless you have requirements for them. (A gm can do whatever they want with you then) Staff laws: 1.No giving stuff with out req. (you can only do this if you are giving out rank boosts) Jail/fired and pwiped/ ipbanned 2.Don't make fake rules. Pwipe/bann 3.Don't abuse. Verbal warning/Verbal warning/pwipe 4.ALL RULES BELOW GO WITH U 2 Leader rules All the rules behind you Squad 1 Captain Lieutenant: Squad 2 captain: Lieutenant: Squad 3 Captain: Lieutenant: Squad 4 captain: Lieutenant: Squad 5 captain: Lieutenant: Squad 6 captain: Lieutenant: Squad 7 Captain: Lieutenant: Squad 8 captain: Lieutenant: Squad 9 Captain: Lieutenant: Squad 10 captain: Lieutenant: Squad 11 captain: Lieutenant: Squad 12 captain: Lieutenant: Squad 13 captain: Lieutenant: Quincy Leader: Quincy Co-leader Quincy elders: 1. 2. 3. Human President: Human Vice-President: Staff: 1.Ark0n A.K.A Ryuu 2.potatopie531 3.magicbeast20 4. 5. |
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