Master Council:Kyu-Sama
Main Coder:
Main Mapper:
Main Icon Artist:
Icon Artist:Ryu-Sama
GFX Artist
..::Open Positions::..
1. Two Mappers
2. Four Coders
3. Four Iconers
4. One 24/ 7 Host
I hope you enjoy the game.
1. No multi keying.
2. No pod training.
3. No avoiding getting killed/muted.
4. Advetisements of games is prohibited and can lead to possible perm ban.
5. Respect all GMs and their decisions.
6. Cursing is allowed to a minimum and should not be directed to anyone.
7. No talking in all CAPS.
8. If you find a bug, report it.
9. Please don't ask for GM.
10. No killing Npcs, will result in Perm Ban.
11. No harassement of ANY kind.
12. Please don't log off with the DBs.
13. No stealing Sagas from anyone unless they leave,
get killed by Sagas, ask for help with killing sagas.
14. No AFK training. (If you get cough, your character will get deleted.)
15. No creating characters with DBZ/GT character names.
16. No attacking/killing in spawn. Also no training in Spawn. Only GMs can.
17. No Pornographics Links - Instant Ban!
18. Have fun!
First offence - Warning.
Second offence - Boot.
Third offence - Temp Ban.
Fourth offence - Perm Ban.
GM Rule's:
1. Don't edit other players. (Unless it's Karma.)
2. Don't mute/boot/ban for no reason.
3. Don't abuse your powers.
4. Dont Disrespect fellow clients/players on the game.
Feel free to rank the game. But we will give a reward. But thanks if you rank.