Pokemon: Omega Finale

by Alext345
Pokemon: Omega Finale
Welcome, this game is a game based on pokemon. It as a lots of new thing on this game, it's also fun to play. [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Alext345.PokemonOmegaFinale##version=0

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Version 1
Date added: Jul 1 2011
Last updated: Aug 11 2011
Last played: Dec 12 2024
53 fans

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A Freekin rip o.o


IMangekyouI: (Feb 18 2015, 5:01 pm)
If you liked the original game PED, come take a look at PUO which is a brand new and original Pokemon Game coming to Byond. Cart12 and Myself are working together with a few other well known Pokemon players to bring this game to byond (since Pokemon has been in the dark on byond for quite a while). Fan/Favorite the hub and try out the Demo which you can download on the hub!

http://www.byond.com/games/IMangekyouI/ PokemonUniverseOrigins
Addmelol: (Aug 21 2011, 6:23 pm)
B678 wrote:
its not tadahshi's game moron it was made by yut put FIRST check the web and it will state Yut Put made pokemon omega finale, besides loads of ppl played POF which was made by Yut Put
before there was rip off versions like this one

xD Sorry Tadahshi told me it was is original version.
B678: (Aug 21 2011, 9:12 am)
its not tadahshi's game moron it was made by yut put FIRST check the web and it will state Yut Put made pokemon omega finale, besides loads of ppl played POF which was made by Yut Put
before there was rip off versions like this one
Addmelol: (Aug 11 2011, 9:01 am)
Carleytoc wrote:
you rip off YutPut game and use the same name Wow!

Tadahshi game...
Addmelol: (Aug 11 2011, 9:01 am)
B678 wrote:
i am inranged that u can still call this 'ur game' alext u did nothing to this game. well u probabaly changed the map a bit and thats it. seriously ur pathetic to even think that u can get away with ripping a perfect game and call it the same name and to say that it's 'YOU'RE' game and 'YOU' did the iconning, mapping and coding. its not right. wat is ur problem really? y can't u simply state that you didn't make this game and all the credit goes to Yut Put and his staff who helped make this game. Unlike the other comment i would not like you to delete this comment

This game is Tadahshi game.